One of the biggest mistakes you and your spouse could make during negotiations to end your marriage is to forget to consider the implications of your split on your taxes. If you and your spouse do not properly handle your financial matters, both of you could face serious issues when it is time to file. Before agreeing on a final settlement, here are some questions you and your spouse need to ask.…
It’s no longer necessary for cheating spouses to hook up in bars, or even to leave the house for that matter. The internet has opened up a whole new world of cheating possibilities that can be accessed from the comfort of your own home. Those so inclined can meet and chat online, and later progress to meeting in person. Unfortunately, internet affairs are a bit more difficult to spot, so read on and learn more about what you should be looking for if you suspect your spouse is stepping out online.…
After filing a personal injury case with an attorney, there’s a good chance that the opposing party will want to negotiate settlement options rather than take the case to court. As a matter of fact, only 4% of personal injury cases end up going to trial. During negotiations, you and your attorney need to lay out the type of injuries you sustained, the extent and severity of the injuries, and how the injuries have affected and will continue to affect your quality of living.…