How To Avoid Costly Mistakes When Buying A Home
Whether this is your first home or your tenth, you will need to make sure that you are taking extra precautions to avoid some potentially extremely expensive mistakes. To help you through the purchase of your ideal home, you will want to make use of the following tips.
Get Every Inspection That You Can Get
You do not want to make the mistake of assuming that everything is perfectly fine with the house, even if it is brand new or everything looks as though it has been completely remodeled in the recent past. This is because things like toxic mold, can live behind the walls where you can't see them. However, your health will suffer from the presence of the mold and even the smallest amount of it can spread rapidly through a home. In some of the worst case scenarios out there, people have lost their homes and all of their personal belongings because toxic mold spread to everything. To avoid dealing with such a traumatic experience, you will want to get a mold inspection, as well as inspections for the integrity of the structure, plumbing, and electric.
Have The Land Surveyed
Even if the home you are interested in is on a small lot or it seems as though the property line has already been marked with fences or shrubs, you should still get a land survey completed before closing on the property. This way, you will not find yourself dealing with complicated disputes with neighbors after you have purchased the property and moved in. You don't want to learn that your yard is actually a lot smaller than you thought it was, especially if knowing that information would have lead you to look for a different house to purchase.
Hire A Real Estate Attorney
You want to make sure that you are taking a real estate attorney, such as John M. Ogden, with you to the closing for the house. This way, last minute changes in documents can be reviewed. Also, by having your attorney with you, any small discrepancies or misunderstandings can be dealt with in a swift and efficient manner, which will ensure that you can continue with the closing of the transaction.
Even if you are very anxious to move into a new home, you will need to take the time to use the previously mentioned tips. This way, you won't have to worry about regretting your home purchase.