Car Accident Claims: 3 Ways To Prove You're Not At Fault Even When You're Suspected Of Driving Under The Influence

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Many different factors influence the final decision of which party is found to be at fault by the courts in a car accident. If police reports or the opposing parties are claiming that you might have been under the influence, it’s crucial that you get the opinion and advice of a car accident attorney before anything else. While a car accident attorney might not be able to completely exonerate you and prove that you were sober beyond a doubt, they can help you build a strong case, as to why you’re not at fault for the accident at all using the following 3 tactics.…

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3 Questions You May Have If You Were a Passenger During a Car Accident

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If you were a passenger in a car when a car accident took place, you may have the right to sue if you suffered any injuries from the car crash. The problem with this is who you should sue, and there might be several other issues you will have to deal with. Here are some questions you might have after an accident like this occurs. Whose Fault Was the Crash?…

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3 Bizarre Criminal Defenses That Actually Won In Court

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Defending a criminal can be an art form. Criminal attorneys need to come up with a defense that is tailored to the defendant to give the defendant their best shot in court. Sometimes a case is complex or just plain odd, and the attorney needs to be a bit creative. Here are some strange criminal defenses that have been used in court that you won’t believe actually succeeded. The Matrix…

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Amusement Park Injuries: 3 Cases That Can Help Set Precedent For Your Settlement

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Every personal injury case stands on its own with specific circumstances, but it’s also important to look at injury cases in the past and see how they helped set a precedent for settlements and verdicts. If you were injured in an amusement park, looking back at former cases can help you establish the case precedent and gather information for a possible case. This can help you see if your case is worth moving forward with and consulting with legal help.…

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Three Things You Should Know Before Your Worker's Compensation Deposition

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When you file a worker’s compensation claim, one of the things that the insurance company may request is that you take part in a deposition as part of the investigation. If you receive a notice that the insurance company requires a deposition, it’s important for you to take some time to understand what’s coming. You’ll want to talk with your worker’s compensation attorney about the process, but there are a few things that you should be sure to do.…

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3 Ways To Prove Alcohol Abuse To Get Full Custody Of Your Children During A Divorce

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If you’re dealing with an alcoholic spouse, you’re not alone. With nearly 17 million adults in America dependent on alcohol, alcohol remains the largest drug problem in the United States. If you’re sick of dealing with your spouse’s dependency on alcohol, it may be time to file for divorce. If you have children from the marriage, there’s a good chance that you can file for full custody, provided that you can prove with a divorce attorney that your spouse is abusing alcohol.…

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Tackling The Aftermath Of A Semi-Truck Involved Auto Accident

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Involvement in an auto accident can leave anyone feeling stressed. When an auto accident involves an 18-wheeler, that stress may be heightened. A semi can cause far more damage considering their size and weight compared to a standard automobile. The injuries received in the accident may also be considerably extensive. With that in mind, if you have been injured in an auto accident that involved a semi, there are a few things you should know to help you overcome the aftermath.…

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Pre-Nups And Family Law Attorneys: Get Answers To The Questions You Have

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Many couples are opting to have a prenuptial agreement, or pre-nup, in place before they get married. This helps ensure that any money or property that you come into the marriage with will remain yours should the marriage end. It also states how much each party will get in the event of a divorce, helping to prevent long, drawn-out legal battles. However, if you have never had a pre-nup before, you may have many questions about them.…

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Will Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit For 10 Entire Years?

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One of the downsides of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the effects it can have on your credit. This particular branch of bankruptcy will remain on your credit report for 10 years from the date you file, but this does not mean that your credit will be bad for the entire 10 years. Weighing the pros and cons of bankruptcy is always an important thing to do before you file, and here is some information you should understand about the effects of Chapter 7 bankruptcy on your credit.…

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