Most people know that filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy can bring about a refreshing amount of debt relief. In fact, you might end up with no debt at all once all is said and done and your bankruptcy is final. Unfortunately, there are three categories of debts that may not go away when you file bankruptcy. Since a complete picture of what bankruptcy can do for you is vital, read on to learn more about what debts cannot be included in your chapter 7 filing.…
The risk of getting injured comes with working, especially in certain industries. An effort to protect injured workers from not being able to make money as they are healing, there are usually workers compensation laws in place. Basically, workers compensation is a type of insurance coverage that business owners in certain industries and states are required to have in place. If you need workers compensation benefits but are too afraid to apply for them because of a threat from your employer, simply place your case in the hands of a lawyer.…
When registering a business, you need to decide what form of business you want to operate. For example, is your business a partnership, a sole proprietorship, or a limited liability company? The form you choose during registration has far-reaching legal ramifications for your business. For example, it may determine whether your business’s creditors can hold you personally liable for their debts or not.
This is why it’s a good idea to consult a small business attorney before starting a business.…
If you want to open your own business and you are serious about your business growth, you will benefit greatly by adding an LLC to your business name. An LLC helps add credibility to your business, but it also provides you with layers of protection from liability. The following are some things you need to know about LLCs and your official business name:
What is an LLC?
An LLC is a limited liability corporation.…
When you’ve found yourself in jail, hours can seem like days. Instead of prolonging this process, you should consider getting help from a bail bond agency. They can help you with this unfortunate legal scenario in the following ways.
1. Speed Up the Release Process
Spending time in jail is not a fun process and something you shouldn’t take lightly. You’re not only in an uncomfortable environment with no form of entertainment; you might share a cell with other inmates that are less than outstanding citizens.…
After a car accident, you are going to need to work with an adjuster to determine what your settlement should be. Before a settlement is offered, you can present an insurance claim letter. In this letter, you are letting your insurance agency know what happened and what you want to get as a settlement offer. There are four different elements you should stress in your insurance claim letter.
#1 Car Accident Liability…
SSDI or SSI, usually called “disability insurance,” is insurance provided by the Social Security Administration to those who cannot work because of a physical or mental disability. If your disability is making it harder and harder to provide for yourself, you may apply for these benefits yourself. However, it’s not a given that you’ll be approved. For that reason, these social security SSI tips are worthwhile.
1. Don’t Collect Unemployment…
If you or a loved ends up in jail for any reason, it is very likely that you will need to post bail to secure a release as your case is determined. Failure to do this means that you will have to stay in jail for the entire duration that it will take for your court case to come to a close.
No one would like to get stuck in jail for any duration, and family and loved ones will usually do whatever it takes to secure your release as you await your court case.…
The police don’t have to catch you in the act of selling drugs to charge you with the crime; they can use circumstantial evidence. Here are some of the ways in which circumstantial evidence can prove possession with intent to sell:
You Had Large a Quantity of Drugs
The more drugs you have the more likely you are to be charged with possession with intent to sell. This is especially true with drugs that are usually taken in small quintiles (mostly the extremely potent ones), such as crack cocaine.…
Many times, after filing for bankruptcy, people believe that the best thing to do is to avoid credit accounts for at least the first seven years. This is a huge misconception about bankruptcy that is going to hurt you more than it will help. Here are four little-known ways you can get started on repairing your credit:
Debt to Credit Ratio Matters Most: The one thing that matters most that people don’t realize is the debt to credit ratio.…